Choir Performances
Rehearsal on Thursday before the Saturday performance is in the cathedral at 7.30pm. Please be in the south transept in your allotted on-stage position by 7.15.
Rehearsal on Saturday 12.15pm. Please be in the south transept in your allotted on-stage position by 12 noon and follow Steve's directions onto the platform. (Attendance at this rehearsal is obligatory.)
Performance at 7.30pm. Leave coats and bags in the designated area and be in the south transept in your allotted on-stage position by 7.15.
Interval. There will be an interval of 20 minutes, during which soft drinks will be provided. Please be back in the south transept in your allotted on-stage position 10 minutes after the beginning of the interval.
Folders. You will need a black folder for your music which you can buy from a committee member at rehearsals.
Scores. Hired scores must be returned with all pencil markings erased. For preference they should be left immediately after the performance in the boxes provided. If this is not possible please return them to the librarian at the next rehearsal following the performance. (If you are not attending further rehearsals please arrange with a colleague to return them, or email the librarian - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - to arrange a hand-over.)
Concert Dress
Ladies: Black trousers or ankle-length skirt; black shoes and tights; plain white blouse (tucked into the waistband); black fabric long-sleeve jacket (no cardigans); minimal discrete non-sparkling jewellery. You may carry a clutch bag onto the stage but nothing larger.
Gentlemen: Black dinner suit; black shoes and socks; white shirt (no frills if possible); black bow tie.
If Lapel flowers are to be worn they will be available in the assembly area immediately prior to the performance..
Please do not wear strongly scented perfume or after-shave
Once on stage remain still and seated (you may applaud the orchestra leader as he takes his place). Stand 'as one' at the moment the Music Director sets foot on the podium; thereafter follow his sits and stands (which you will have marked in your score). At the end of the performance keep the audience applause going at least until the stewards have made the presentations to the soloists.
And just enjoy the experience of a live performance.
For full information on choir membership read Notes for Mermbers