Welcome to the Chester Music Society website. We have been engaged in the promotion and performance of classical music in the City of Chester since 1946 and are committed to providing direct musical involvement and enjoyment for many, particularly by bringing increased musical experience to the rising generation. As a Charity our objectives are to provide, maintain, improve and advance education in the widest sense of the word by furthering public appreciation of music. We present more than 20 concerts and musical events in Chester each year; our concert season begins in October and continues through May.
Our 2024-25 season is now in full progress. Details will be found under Concert Calendar. Why not search these pages; you will be pleasantly surprised with what you find.
Or to save time just follow these links...
On 29 January the winners and runners up of our 2024 Young Musician Competition gave a recuital at which prizes and awards were presented. Read more under News
Go to JOIN THE SOCIETY to purchase season tickets
Go to APPLY to join the choir
To find out more about our Open Day on 1 March 2025 click HERE
In addition to our usual music events the Society also publishes news of its various other activities from time to time. Look for NEWS on the side menu, or simply click HERE.
In addition to this website we make every effort to keep our regular supporters informed of our plans and activities by email (sent via Mailchimp). If you would like to be added to our confidential mailing lists please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
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Follow the Celebrity Section on Facebook Here